John Greenspan uses subtle sarcasm to correct a New Mexican letter writer – 11/13/15

Somehow we missed adding this to our log of great responses to misinformed Santa Fe New Mexican letter writers.  Yasher Koach to John Greenspan:

Joining the conversation

With all due respect, Iris Keltz’s letter (“Worth hearing,” Nov. 4) misstates some important facts about the Middle East. She asks, “When will the almost 50-year-old military occupation of Gaza and the West Bank end?” I am happy to inform Iris Keltz that Israel abandoned Gaza in 2005 by forcibly removing Jewish settlers. Unfortunately, a terrorist organization seized power in Gaza and spent millions building tunnels and purchasing rockets to attack Israel rather than help its own people.

Since the turn of this century, the late Palestinian President Vasser Arafat turned down two peace offers and current Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas – now in the 12th year of his five-year term – turned down a peace deal in 2008. I am not a big Benjamin Netanyahu fan but it matters little who the Israeli prime minister is until the Palestinians produce a competent leader. As for Miko Peled, championed by Keltz, I heard most of his interview on The Radio Cafe and found him willing to either rewrite or ignore history.

John Greenspan

Santa Fe