Yasher Koach to Joan Less on letter to the editor today, May 4, 2016

Yasher koach to Joan Less for her letter in the SF New Mexican today, responding to our post about William Scoular’s letter re: Bill Stewart’s column:

Failing its people

William Scoular (“Instability is profitable,” Letters to the Editor, April 25), responding to Bill Stewart’s column (“What’s fueling Palestinian violence?,” Understanding Your World, April 15), identifies Palestinian violence as “stemming from a disparity between Israel’s relative prosperity and security and Palestine’s relative poverty and insecurity.” If the government of Hamas would invest in building schools, colleges, hospitals and homes in Gaza, its people would have the opportunity to achieve the relative prosperity and secure lifestyle that eludes them now. Instead, Hamas invests in weapons and building tunnels, leaving the people frustrated and hopeless. Surely many other factors influence the Middle East troubles. But shouldn’t the Palestinian government in Gaza share the blame for failing its people time and again?

Joan Less

Santa Fe

Reminder:  Tomorrow night, Thursday, May 5, 7:00 SFMEW meeting at the Faust Haus, 1260 Vallecita Dr.

Agenda items:  (1) Speakers for 2016; (2) Education Campaign topics; (3) Outreach to New Mexican and Reporter editors; (4) Israel Advocacy Workshop; (5) anti-BDS legislation; (6) Fundraising; (7) Building the membership base.  Email info@sfmew.org for directions and to rsvp.  We need your input for some critical decisions.

Have something you’d like to say to the SFMEW community?  Write for the SFMEW blog?  Contact info@sfmew.org.

Did you go to the Adalah (Nadia Ben-Youssef) talk last night at the Unitarian Church?  If so, please write it up for the blog and send it to info@sfmew.org.

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